The Odessa barb is a stunning barb, especially when in full colour. They are hardy and tolerate a wide variety of water parameters. They enjoy a well planted tank.
Species – Odessa Barb – Puntus sp.
Current Size – 3cm
Adult Length – 8cm
Temperature Range – 20 - 26°C
pH Range – 6.0 – 7.5
Special Requirements - This is a schooling barb and should be kept in groups of 6 or more. They can be shy, especially if the aquarium is too light and open.
Tanks Mates and Compatibility – As with many barbs, the Odessa can be a fin nipper and should not be kept with slow moving long finned tank mates. If kept in a shoal, this fin nipping will be kept to a minimum.

Ideal Number to Keep – hey should be kept in a shoal of 6 or more. You will see some territorial aggression as they test male dominance but these battles rarely cause an issue.
Feeding – In the aquarium it’s easily-fed but the best condition and colours offer regular meals of small live and frozen foods such as bloodworm, Daphnia, and Artemia alongside good quality dried flakes and granules, at least some of which should include additional plant or algal content.
We recommend:

Please note – Some images used are library photos and will show the colour potential at a fully mature size, as our fish are juveniles they may vary.
We always aim to supply the fish as close to the purchase size as possible. On rare occasions if this is not possible we will contact you.
The fish are selected at random however you are welcome to make a note on the order and the fish manager will do his best for you, requests are dependent on stock at the time of your order.