T-bar Cichlid ~ 3cm - 4cm

Price from £6.66

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1+ Items£6.86
2+ Items£6.76
4+ Items£6.66
We currently have 9 available in stock.

SKU: 1K9

T-bar Cichlid - Cryptoheros sajica 3-4cm

Relatively peaceful. Robust Community

The T-bar cichlid is a relatively peaceful cichlid that is a close relative of the Convict and will interbreed with them. They are relatively easy to breed.

Like all cichlids, they can be territorial during breeding.

Adult Length: 15cm (Females are smaller)

Temperature Range: 21 to 28°C

pH Range: 6.5-7.5

Special Requirements:  They are unfussy and will put up with a wide range of water parameters.

Tanks Mates:  Being relatively peaceful they can be kept as part of a cichlid or large community setup.

Feeding: . They are not fussy eaters, accepting flakes and pellets along with live and frozen food.



  • by Keith A

    I bought a group of these around a week ago for my central American tank
    They took a couple of days to settle in after the travel do keep lighting to a minimum at this time if you buy some
    Once settled in the colors and the characters of the fish really started to show and they seem to be fitting in well


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