Green Phantom Plec L200 ~ 5-7cm

Price from £42.95

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SKU: 3G5

Green Phantom Plec  - Baryancistrus Demantoides (L200)


This is a attractive variety of Loricariidae. It will grow to around 6". They are easy to keep and makes a great addition to any community tank with their green colouring and spots making them very appealing.  

Adult Length:  15cm

Temperature Range 23-25°C

pH Range: 6.0-7.0

Special Requirements: Needs a hiding place! Rocks and crevices are a must! A well oxygented tank with a moderate flow is also imperative .

Tanks Mates:  They are a good community fish as they are peaceful..

Feeding:  The Blue phantom Plec should be fed a balanced diet of dried sinking pellets, Shrimp pellets, bloodword, live & frozen Daphnia etc

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