Hikari Sinking Massivore Delite Pellets 380g


We currently have 8 available in stock.

SKU: 1L6

A Specific diet for Super-Sized Bottom Feeding Carnivourus Fish especially catfish, sharks, polypterus (bichirs), eels and carnivorous plecostomus.

Specially developed for the needs of most carnivorous fish, without the potential for parasite or bacteria transfer common with live foods

Extra large porous pellets absorb water quickly and soften for ready acceptance

Unique blend of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals and amino acids

Includes the highest grade of carotenoids, helping fish develop and maintain their natural, vivid colours

Developed following extensive study and analysis of the sense of sight, smell and taste of numerous carnivorous fish

Inclusion of key ingredients such as DL-methionine and L-lysine results in a food that most larger carnivorous fish are eager to eat

Sinking food


Feeding - Feed once a day, an amount your fish will eat within a few minutes. Carnivorous fish may resist a new type of food when changing from live foods or less protein rich diets, but continued use will assure acceptance. Care should be taken to avoid over-feeding and always remove uneaten food after the feeding period.

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