Aqua One Nano Plastic Pre-set Heater 25W (15cm)


We currently have 2 available in stock.

SKU: 1T26
Aqua One Plastic Pre-set 25w Heater for Aquariums.
NEW Nano Plastic Preset 25W Heater
26c 15cm 240v 50hz
up to 25ltr aquariums
LED indicator light displays when actively heating
Strong protective casing, Space saving design and fully submersible

When installing your new aquarium heater it's best to leave the new heater sitting in the aquarium for about 5 minutes in order to acclimatise to the current water temperature before plugging in.

Whilst Aqua One Glass Heaters are ultra reliable, with many tens of thousands in circulation, we still can't stress enough the importance of keeping a spare. Your aquarium inhabitants will start to suffer from temperature change far quicker than poor water quality and having a spare heater on hand will avoid unnecessary suffering and discomfort to your precious livestock

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