Red Boesemani Rainbow ~ 4cm - 5cm

Price from £15.67

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1+ Items£16.07
2+ Items£15.86
5+ Items£15.67
We currently have 41 available in stock.

SKU: 3D14

Red Boesemani Rainbow – Melanotaenia boesemani

These are the Red variety, they have a deeper, more vibriant colouration to the back half of the fish.

The fish you will received will be approximately 4
cm - 5cm


The Boesemani Rainbow fish is a peaceful shoaling fish that enjoys a well planted aquarium with free swimming areas. They should be kept in a shoal of 6 or more. Once settled the Rainbow fish can display some stunning colouration which makes them an ideal introduction to the community aquarium.

Adult Length: 10cm

Temperature Range 22-28°C

pH Range: 6.0 -7.5

Special Requirements:  None

Tanks Mates:  They are a peaceful community fish so can be housed in most community situations.

Feeding: . They are an omnivores and should be fed a good quality varied died that includes crushed flake and live or frozen food. They should also be offered spinach or green flake occasionally.

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