Geophagus winemilleri ~ 3-4cm


We currently have 4 available in stock.

SKU: 4K22

Geophagus Winemilleri

The fish that you will receive will measure around 3-4cm.

Large Community                                                                                                                  

These Geophagus are very peaceful cichlids. They are a bit of a scavenger and will continually sift through the sand and stones on the bottom for anything that they can eat. They can be territorial during breeding but not to the extent that they will cause other tank mates any real damage. 

Adult Length:25cm but most average 20cm

Temperature Range 22 - 27°C

pH Range: 6.5-7.8

Special Requirements:  Fairly easy to keep.

Tanks Mates:  Any South American larger community fish under 15cm, providing they are not too large to intimidate the peaceful Geophagus. They can be housed happily with some of the large tetras etc.

Feeding: . The geophagus likes to sift feed, meaning they will take large mouthfuls of debris and pick out the tasty bits of food. Ideally fed on pellets but will eat virtually anything that it can find.

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