Scarlet Cactus Pleco - L025 ~ 15-20cm


We currently have 4 available in stock.

SKU: 2A17

Scarlet Cactus Pleco L025 

The fish you will receive will be approximately 15-20cm


A large, peaceful, and very beautiful fish!                                                                                        

Adult Length: 35cm

Temperature Range  25-30°C

pH Range: 6.0-7.7

Special Requirements: Large aquarium with plenty of rocky hiding places along with large pieces of heavy driftwood or bogwood.

Tanks Mates:  Peaceful if given enough tank space along with hiding places. Will fight to defend it’s favorite hiding place.

Feeding: Carnivore but not a predator. Favors prawns, cockle and mussel as well as small pieces of fish. Provide some vegetables for a balanced diet. When it gets used to the aquarium it will also eat pellets, sticks, and tablet food. Fresh and/or frozen food is a must to keep this fish happy.

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