Albino Acanthicus Adonis Pleco ~ 4cm - 5cm


We currently have 1 available in stock.

SKU: 1C13

Albino Adonis Pleco – Aconthicus Adonis

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The Adonis is a very large and impressive plecostomus that can be quite aggressive when need be. The coloration of a juvenile is much different than a full grown adult. The beautiful spots fade as this fish grows and are fewer in number when full grown. A very large aquarium or pond is needed along with extreme filtration in order to properly keep this large fish.

Adult Length: 70cm

Temperature Range 20-30°C

pH Range: 6.0-7.8

Special Requirements:  This is a large beautiful pleco with a big appetite. Please do not buy this plec unless you understand how large it will grow and what it’s requirements are.

Tanks Mates:  These plecs should be house in large aquariums with robust tank mates. It can be aggressive and territorial. Should not be kept with other pleco type fish unless the aquarium is extremely large (1000 gallons / 4000 litre or larger) and there are numerous hiding places. This fish can be very aggressive towards other catfish and plecos.

Feeding: . The Adonis plecs are omnivores and should be fed a varied diet made up of Pellets, Vegetable matter and live or frozen food.

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