Fish Science Mini Algae Wafers 45g


We currently have 2 available in stock.

SKU: 3L8

Ideal for Ancistrus, Otocinclus and other small or young algae eating fish

Provides essential roughage to ensure efficient digestion and health

Wafers do not dissolve to allow natural grazing behavior.

Contains natural ingredients to promote the health of your fish including Beta Glucans, garlic and omega 3 oils

Naturally enhances the colour of your fish using Spirulina algae and shrimp meal

Feeding Instructions

Feed 1 - 2 times per day on as much as your fish will consume in 20 minutes (if only feeding small fish split the wafers into pieces) Take care not to over feed and leave uneaten wafers in the aquarium where they may breakdown and pollute the water

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