Blue Texas Cichlid ~ 4-5cm


We currently have 15 available in stock.

SKU: 4H9

Texas Cichlid - Herichthys Cynoguttatus

Aggressive & Territorial

The Texas Cichlids needs lots of room, especially if you want them to reach their full size and potential.  They love to dig, shred plants and bully tank mates and they will protect their territories fiercely. Much like Oscars, they will quickly work out where the food is coming from and make friends with their keeper. They also like to put on a display.

Adult Length: up to 30cm (Females are smaller)

Temperature Range21 to 28°C

pH Range: 6.5-7.5

Special Requirements:  As with many of the larger American Cichlids, the Texans will put up with a wide range of water parameters. They are messy and fast growing so a quality filter is essential.

Tanks Mates:  Texas Cichlids are best housed on their own and this is how you will see them at the best. They will tolerate a few cat fish and algae eaters but don’t expect them to share too much of their space!

Feeding: . They are not fussy eaters, accepting flakes and pellets along with live and frozen food.


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