Full Pearl Two Tone King Kamfa F3 - 7-8cm


We currently have 5 available in stock.

SKU: 1C19

These are some of the nicest Flowerhorns available in the UK. We sourced these from one of our very trusted supplier and they are incredible.

Full Pearl Two Tone King Kamfa F3 

Not Community!  Please research before buying.                                                                                                            

The Flowerhorn cichlids are a man made, hybridised cichlid. They are a large cichlid that requires plenty of space. They are also fast growing and messy so filtration needs to be able to cope.  They are not fussy with water parameters. They can be fiercely  territorial and will eat small fish.  

Adult Length: 25cm

Temperature Range 22-28°C

pH Range: 6.5-8.0

Special Requirements:  Fairly easy to keep.

Tanks Mates:  They are territorial and will eat smaller fish or invertebrates that they can swallow. Many aquarists keep Flowerhorns in a species only tank and often as individual specimens.

Feeding: . The Flower Horn Cichlid is omnivorous and will eat most prepared and frozen foods, including freeze-dried bloodworms, tubifex, and ocean plankton, as well as flake food and Cichlid pellets.

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