Aqua One Airstones - 1 inch (2.5cm)


We currently have 4 available in stock.

SKU: 1S37

Airstones provide a great feature in all aquariums with a silvery stream of bubbles rising to the surface of your tank.

The 2.5cm Cylindrical Airstone from Aqua One is a high quality airstone for use with any suitable air pump and will oxygenate and aerate your tropical, marine or coldwater aquarium

Airstones work hard and will eventually become blocked with algae and aquarium waste over time. When this happens it's time to replace.

Aqua One airstones are both durable and safe in any aquarium.

Designed primarily to oxygenate and aerate your aquarium water, airstones are also a great visual enhancement pushing streams of silvery bubbles up through your aquarium water.

Place your airstone under gravel or aquarium substrate or hide in an ornament for best results.

Replace as necessary.

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