Aqua One Natural Tumble Smokey Black Gravel 10kg


We currently have 4 available in stock.

SKU: 1S76

Elevate your aquatic haven with Aqua One's UK sourced Natural Tumbled Smokey Black Gravel – the epitome of aquatic sophistication.

Crafted through a meticulous tumbling process, each stone boasts a smooth, natural finish, enhancing your aquarium's aesthetic appeal.

This gravel not only provides a stunning backdrop for your aquatic landscape but also creates a conducive environment for plant growth and beneficial bacteria colonization.

The rich, dark hues of Smokey Black add depth and contrast to your tank, making your aquatic friends truly stand out.

Trust Aqua One for premium quality, ensuring a captivating underwater world that's as healthy as it is beautiful. Dive into excellence today!

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