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Nitrico is part of the Andrew Lintott & Assocs. group of companies. Based at Bourne Valley Fish Farm in kent, which is home to The Tropco, the largest online supplier of Tropical fish in the UK, and The Carpco, the largest supplier of coldwater pond fish in the UK, Nitrico has been developed by fish keepers for fish keepers.
Dealing with hundreds of thousands of customers up and down the UK has given us a huge insight into the requirements of the modern aquarium and pond keeper. The complete cycling of tanks and ponds before the introduction of fish has come to the fore. Advice online is plentifull and the information required to keep ornamental fish safely in our houses and gardens is readily available. A far larger percentage of aquarists are now fullyaware of the nitrogen cycle in there aquariums and ponds and the requirements for a balanced ecosystem to be able to keep fish safely.
From this increase in general aquaculture knowledge, the opening for Nitrico became evident. Through years of research and development, with the help of Nitrico products it is now possible for fish keepers to place fish in a new safe aquaculture environment without the need to cycle the tanks or wait weeks looking at an empty aquarium while waiting for you bacteria to multiply.