The 30 litre corner filter is a great little filter for the nano or betta aquarium. It will come to you completely mature and ready to be installed into the tank.
It operates on air so an air supply from a suitable aerator is required in your tank for this filter to operate.
We rate this filter to efficiently break the waste down in a tank up to 30 litre volume that is sensibly stocked. As with all filters, if you feel your stocking density is high for the size of the tank, please consider purchasing a larger filter than you may think is necessary. This filter is only suitable for small Nano type aquariums.
When your mature filter arrives, it will contain trillions of live nitrifying nitrosomonas and nitrobacter bacteria. It is important that your filter is installed into the tank very soon after delivery. It should not be allowed to dry out and fish should be introduced at the same time as the filter or within 48 hours of its installation.
Our pre-matured filters are matured in our bacterial digester. They have not seen fish and there is absolutely no chance of any disease cross contamination as there would be if you moved media from one fish filter to another. Please ensure your pH is above 6.5 and your kH is not below 4 to ensure that your filter bacteria can thrive.
Approximate Measurments:
Height - 11.5cm
Height (Fully extended) - 16.5cm
Depth into Corner - 8cm
Width across - 10.5cm
Please note: This product has not been developed to deal with manual ammonia dosing or abnormal ammonia loading. It has been developed to break down the waste produced by aquatic life in Aquariums and ponds. If you are introducing high levels of ammonia into your tank then you are likely to experience spikes in water quality. An instant cycle of your tank is less likely to be achieved if additional ammonia is being introduced.